Thursday, November 29, 2018

Class Project final

Each student will create a hypothetical company. You will then choose a peer as your designer. Once you have "hired" them you will work with your partner to create a company identity.

You will create a brand for your partner’s company. They are your boss so you need to listen to their ideas or they will fire you.

I do not want simply a company logo but a brand. What I mean by this is that you create an identity for the company. You need to consider your audience and how you will market to them.

You need to create a logo in black and white, and color. This should be thought of as a whole presentation. I would like the logo to stand alone, as well as with well thought out and designed text.

You also need to create a layout that shows a letterhead and a business card for your client.

Things to consider:

What does it do?

Audience/ Customers? Are they middle class teenagers? Upperclass elderly?

You are the CEO? You are in charge of this company.

Create a logo, letterhead, business card, and one additional design...

What kind of company image do you wish to create? How do you want it to be viewed by the public?

What do you sell? How do you hope to make money?

Are you an investment firm? a soda company? A publishing company? A Consrtuction Company? What are the different needs of these companies how do they need to best be addressed?

What will you ask your designer to create for you? Why?

Do you need a mascot? A color scheme? How do you develop customer recognition?

Write a mission statement or business plan

Who is your competition? How do you get customers to focus on your business.

LInk to Student Examples of final

Thursday, October 4, 2018


M- 12:30-4:30 CIM216
T- 2:00-8:00 CIM 208
W- 12:30-4:30 CIM208
Th- 2:00-5:00 CIM 208
F- 8:30-11:30 CIM 102

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Homework #1

How to Ruin a Great Design 

Read the above article, write a paragraph response on YOUR blog then do 10 sketches for the first assignment. 5 for the functional product, 5 for the nonfunctional. We will discuss them next class.

First Day Quesitons

What is your previous computer experience?

What do you hope to get out of this class?

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?

Do you use a Mac or PC?

What do you hope to do with your major?

Who is your favorite artist?

Who is your favorite musician? 

Tell me something interesting about yourself?

Write a five line story?

Post an image on the blog.

Syllabus Fall 2018


#1 Project Prompt Fall 2018


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Project #4 Final

Each student will create a hypothetical company. You will then choose a peer as your designer. Once you have "hired" them you will work with your partner to create a company identity.

You will create a brand for your partner’s company. They are your boss so you need to listen to their ideas or they will fire you.

I do not want simply a company logo but a brand. What I mean by this is that you create an identity for the company. You need to consider your audience and how you will market to them.

You need to create a logo in black and white, and color. This should be thought of as a whole presentation. I would like the logo to stand alone, as well as with well thought out and designed text.

You also need to create a layout that shows a letterhead and a business card for your client.

Things to consider:

What does it do?

Audience/ Customers? Are they middle class teenagers? Upperclass elderly?

You are the CEO? You are in charge of this company.

Create a logo, letterhead, business card, and one additional design...

What kind of company image do you wish to create? How do you want it to be viewed by the public?

What do you sell? How do you hope to make money?

Are you an investment firm? a soda company? A publishing company? A Consrtuction Company? What are the different needs of these companies how do they need to best be addressed?

What will you ask your designer to create for you? Why?

Do you need a mascot? A color scheme? How do you develop customer recognition?

Write a mission statement or business plan

Who is your competition? How do you get customers to focus on your business.

LInk to Student Examples of final

Friday, March 9, 2018

Hmwrk #6

Write out the plot to the movie for your movie poster. Give it depth, develop the characters, think about the entire story of the movie not just the image on the poster.

Pick a movie poser that you love or hate. Write out your reasons why on the blog.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Class 3/2 Canceled

My little guy has a pretty high fever and I'm going to have to stick with him tomorrow so no class. I put up a homework reading for next week. Go ahead and read that over. We'll push everything back by a week in terms of due dates and work days.

Hmwrk #5

READ this article by a movie poster designer and respond on your blog